USGA presents: Science & Technology You Can Use in Your Business

March 27th, 2018 4:51pm CDT

Sponsored By USGA

Education Points: 0.2

Matt Pringle, Ph.D., and Jim Moore work closely together at the USGA using new and innovative technology to address challenges on the golf course, including pace of play. In this 90-minute webcast, they share how you can use GPS technology to see where your golfers go on the course. This lets you see where adjustments to intervals might need to take place. Further, you can adjust maintenance practices which can result in both resource savings and cost savings. Learn more about how this technology can help you make your course, and the game, more fun and more affordable.

Using Science and Technology to Preserve and Enhance the Game

The USGA continually tests golf equipment for conformity to the Rules. Without such rigorous equipment testing and research programs, advances in technology could soon overtake skill as the major factor in success. In addition, the engineering staff of the USGA is tackling the problem of pace of play utilizing technology and the science of traffic management to ensure the game stays enjoyable for all. Matt Pringle, Ph.D., technical director for the Equipment Standards Department, provides insight into some of the game’s most difficult challenges and how the golf course superintendent can be a part of the solution.

It’s About More Than Conserving Water – It’s About Staying in Business

Jim Moore, director of the USGA Green Section’s Education and Outreach program, shares the USGA’s efforts to address two of the most common reasons cited by golfers for not playing more: “It takes too long” and “It is too expensive.” Superintendents have a major role in meeting both of these challenges. Moore will share some innovative techniques to analyze and measure how courses are played and maintained.