Fairy ring is probably the most pervasive turf disease, occurring on all turfgrass species and across a wide range of climatic conditions worldwide. The disease is particularly destructive in the sandy soils used for golf course putting greens and other areas. Fairy ring is very different from any other turf disease, and an understanding of its biology and development is essential to effective management. This webinar reviews important aspects of fairy ring biology and clarifys some of the most common misconceptions about this disease. Lane Tredway, Ph.D., reviews recent research on fairy ring prevention and presents options for an integrated program that can prevent fairy ring in addition to other key turf pathogens. Curative control options will also be discussed, with emphasis on application methods and use of soil surfactants to maximize their consistency and effectiveness. Upon conclusion of this webinar, you will have the ability to develop and implement an effective fairy ring prevention program for your facility.