Crumb rubber as topdressing has been researched for several years and results have shown that it improves turfgrass wear tolerance, stabilizes soil physical properties, and provides a safer playing surface. In this 60-minute webcast, Tim Vianini, Ph.D., will review research testing as well as real world applications for golf courses. Discussion will also include perceived challenges with using crumb rubber from an environmental standpoint. Join us to learn valuable information to help improve turfgrass management and economics, safety, drainage, and turfgrass playing quality at your facility.
Tim Vanini, Ph.D., is founder and owner of New Dimensions Turf, a consulting and research company which evaluates the most up-to-date products and management strategies available for sound environmental stewardship for sports fields and golf courses. He holds a B.S. in ornamental horticulture from Cornell University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in turfgrass science from Michigan State University. Vanini was co-inventor of a U.S. Patent for topdressing crumb rubber to natural turfgrass systems. He is also co-owner of Optimum Turf Performance and serves as the Educational Coordinator for the Sports Turf Managers of New York.