Annual bluegrass putting greens are susceptible to damage from winter conditions, particularly ice cover. Research was done at Michigan State University to evaluate the effects of various chemical treatments on turfgrass recovery and crown fatty acid ratios. Emily Merewitz, Ph.D., will present results found and discuss potential use of these treatments for turfgrass winter preparation in this 60- minute webinar. Annual bluegrass field plots were treated in late summer through fall with: CIVITAS TURF DEFENSE, mefluidide, propiconazole, trinexapac-ethyl, or left untreated, prior to natural acclimation to winter conditions. Turfgrass plugs were taken in late fall from each plot then transferred to an environmentally controlled low-temperature growth chamber (-4oC) where they underwent ice cover or no ice cover treatments. Turfgrass plugs were taken out of the low temperature growth chamber after 0, 20, 40, and 60 days where destructive sampling occurred. One half of the plugs went towards fatty acid analysis while the other half went towards a regrowth assay. Find out more about future directions of winterkill research at MSU and learn how you can use findings from this study before winter arrives.