This webcast series on management of golf course features starts on the tees with Aaron Patton, Ph.D., who reports on tee maintenance with specific attention on how to help encourage recovery from divots. Fertilization, irrigation, PGR use, topdressing, mowing, and weed control is also discussed in this 90-minute event. Species and cultivar selection for tees can influence both divot resistance and divot recovery. A review of how to help using specialized divot mixes for various species is included. This interactive session provided ideas for tee maintenance from the participants in addition to the instructor’s presentation.
IPM Council of Canada credits
BC Pesticide Applicator points
This webcast has been approved for continuing education credits (CECs) as part of the IPM Accreditation Program administered by the IPM Council of Canada, as well as the Pesticide Re-Certification program administered by the Western Canada Turfgrass Association in cooperation with the British Columbia Ministry of Environment.