2017 Golf Industry Show – Turf Screen Booth Tour
December 13, 2017 12:00 am Leave your thoughts2017 Golf Industry Show - Turf Screen Booth Tour
2017 Golf Industry Show - Turf Screen Booth Tour
Turf Max, LLC Product Spotlight 2017
Greens superintendent Scott Anderson discusses the history of Huntingdon Valley and the instrumental role they played in supporting Scott May and Turf Screen during the developmental stages of the product.
Scott May, president and owner of Turf Screen, talks about getting involved with the Wee One Foundation and hosting the inaugural outing at Manufactures Golf and Country Club in Philadelphia area.
Larry Corr, GCSAA superintendent member, has been applying Turf Screen at Manufacturers' Golf & Country Club in Fort Washington, Pa., for six years. He says the benefits to turf quality have been astronomical, and recent soil tests show that Turf Screen has no adverse effect on soil quality.
Learn how UVB and infrared radiation damages turfgrass, and see how titanium dioxide and zinc oxide provide unique protection.
Former Superintendent Scott May discusses his development of Turf Screen and how it protects turf from UVB radiation, increases the efficacy of fungicides and enhances turf quality when used in conjunction with an overall maintenance program.